Sustainably harvested raw honey, honeybee propolis and beeswax from organically managed honeybees.
Honey CBD pain relief holistic healing
Are You Ready...For Something SWEET?
Pure Raw Unfiltered Honey at Honeybee Bliss 🐝💫
The Luxury & Power of Nature!
Each is BEEutifully packaged in a 1pound Muth glass jar with a beautiful hand-dipped and stamped wax seal, cork, and bee charm. This makes a perfect gift!
Our honey is always pure and raw so it retains all the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antioxidant properties that raw honey is celebrated for.
We manage our bees holistically without the use of toxins. We’re proud that even vegans eat our honey because of our sustainable beekeeping practices.We never overharvest or mix our honey with other ingredients (like fructose, agave or corn syrup)
NEW Earth-friendly incentive program: Now you can return five clean glass honey bottles and we’ll send you a free Bee’s Knees Lotion Bar!